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Nana’s Story!  2013

My dad was born 100 years ago this last January.   My mom is now 95 and has been without him for 17 years.  She continues to show us the ways that she’s an amazing person, and one of HF’s choice daughters.   Several years ago, we introduced her to the modern world of computers.   She ended up actually buying a lap top, which she loves – and enjoys reminiscing through her thoughts and life by recording those thoughts.    We share them with you for your enjoyment, as you re-discover Nana – in a personal light that you may have missed.

The pleasant work of editing fell to me and I have tried to do this without changing the tone of her narrative.   I asked her once why she capitalizes words in the middle of a sentence.    She said she wasn’t sure – probably to emphasize the word.   I have left that unique capitalizing to be true to her emphasis.   I also left many of the random thoughts in the middle of the story line.   She and we all talk like that – one subject – then interrupted by a thought, then hopefully back to the story.   J

This is also an ongoing project.   Even now, I have many more pages that are not included – poems she wants to share with her family – notes she’s taken and thoughts she’s had through the years.   We will continue to update and add stories and thoughts she wants to leave with her posterity as time goes along.

Enjoy!     LaRae

My name  is June Nielson Albiston.  I live in Lovelock Nevada,  Box 149  89419;    I am 85 years old.  I was born May 1st  l9l8,   in Metropolis Nevada, a booming Community, a Beautiful farmland ten miles from Wells,  Nevada.  In this town was the second largest Hotel from Salt Lake City to Reno Nevada.

My Mother was born Anna Verllian Calton in Cedar Fort, Utah …November 5 l893….Died October l8, l980.

My Dad was born in Millville, Utah…Cache County….October l9,1888….Died April 7 l966.  They were Married in the Salt Lake Temple October 2, l914.  Their Children were:

Melba Nielson,  July 21, 1915  Metropolis Nevada,  Married Charles Duncan, October 25 1934

June Nielson, May 1, 1918,  Married Ray Albiston, April 13 l941

Ethel Nielson,  April 5, l920 in Salt Lake City, Utah  Died with Whooping Cough at fifteen Months old.

Lee James Nielson,  December 25, l922 in Elko Nevada,  Married Kathryn Kohler,  July 3, 1948

Evan Lynn Nielson, April 26 l925….Married Myrtle Rae Murphy,  October 25, l944

Fay Nielson  August 11, l928.  Married Von Harold Tripp,  March 3, l947 Died    *****

My Mother’s Father was Fredick Calton Born Sept 22. l870.  He married Anna Laura Wilcox …January 4 1893 in the Salt Lake Temple

My Father’s Father was Olof Nielson.  Born in Hviderup Gardstanga Malmohus Sweden,  Married Christina Pehrson ….born April 24 l868 in Nevishog, Malmohus, Sweden, came to the U. S. and lived in Millville  Utah,    Married in the Logan Temple

Please refer to Family Group Sheets for Details


Testimony thoughts:

Forgiveness does not mean its O.K.  But, it means, “I refuse to carry this around.  I will not give you the power to destroy me.”  We have a choice if we pick up Anger everyday it will destroy us.  Know what you want.  If you hate someone,  Hate will destroy you.  Life and how you choose to live it is a step at a time — A step every single day.  Life manages every single day.  We say, “I still have pain but let it go.  A step at a time.

Gratitude:  I’m so grateful for my health and strength.

For my ability to work and cook and clean.  My Home is my Castle and I will do all in my power to keep it clean.

I’m Grateful for my Precious Family, Grandchildren, and Great-Grandchildren, for the Health and strength they all enjoy.  I’m especially grateful that they live close to our Heavenly Father and his Teachings, and try to keep his commandments.

I’m Grateful to My Heavenly Father for this Glorious Gospel and the Guidelines it gives to us. For the privilege of Partaking of the Sacrament and renewing my Covenants.

I’m Grateful for Life and the Challenges that we have to face and the strength and power to come up and over them.

I’m Grateful for my Lovely Home, my food and cloths and the many, many Blessings that we enjoy each day of our lives and take for granted.

I’m very Grateful For President Hinckley and all of those Great Men that are leading and Guiding this Glorious Gospel, for our Missionaries and all of those that have been called to serve in any way.

I’m so very Grateful for the Privilege of working in this Glorious Gospel for so many Years.  I think my very first calling was in Primary while Ray was in the Service in Wells, Nevada.  I really wasn’t very faithful because I had a New Baby and as I remember maybe I was neglectful many times.

I’m so very so very grateful for this great land of America and the Freedoms that we all enjoy.  I’m so grateful for President Bush, Cheney, Powell, and all of those great men that are working so diligently for this great Nation.  We Pray for our Lawrence and all of those that are serving this great Country.  Our Jason over in Okinawa they are also in our Prayers

Contention:  Contention  builds walls and puts up barriers.  Love opens doors.  Contention, unrighteous attitudes and actions, worldliness and Apostasy will prevent us from receiving Promptings from the Holy Ghost but if we strive to live righteously and follow the Promptings from the Holy Ghost we will receive our Ability to recognize and the Promptings will increase.

Elder Worthlin the Apostle tells this story:

“While traveling along a Mountainous road one Evening through a driving rain storm punctuated with frequent claps of thunder and flashes of lightening.  Sister Worthlin and I could barely see the road either in front of us or to the right or to the left.  I watched the white lines more intently than ever before.  Staying within the Lines kept us from going onto the shoulder and into the deep Canyon on the one side and helped us avoid a Head-on Collision on the other.  To wander over either line would be dangerous.  Then I thought, “Would a right thinking person deviate to the left or right of a traffic lane if he knew the result would be fatal.  If he valued his Mortal Life, certainly he would stay between these lines.

This experience traveling on this Mountain road is so like Life.  If we stay with-in the Lines that God has marked he will Protect us and we can arrive safely at our destination.”


While I was a Student Nurse at the Dee Hospital in Ogden Utah, it was Christmas and time for my Vacation in Wells Nevada with my parents and Grandparents.  While I was there they had their Christmas Dance; Dancing was my Life.  My Mother had an Orchestra and played for all the dances so I was allowed at an early age to go to the dances with my Mother.  After the Christmas dance we all went to my Home for food — (can’t remember it’s been too long.)  but I do remember my Pecious Mother most always had something  for us to eat so I could invite my friends over — she was so special.  After eating, someone suggested that we go sleigh riding so they all went home to get warm clothes on; we hooked our large homemade sled on the back of the car and had so much fun!  But I paid dearly for that joy ride.  The next day I left Wells so sick but had to be on the floor; that night at eleven o’clock, I made it — but about three o’clock that morning they put me to bed with a high fever, “ 103.” it turned out to be pneumonia.  I was a very sick girl. In those days they didn’t have Anti-biotics.  When I got well enough to work I was catching all the colds and everything I came in contact with.  My Immune system just wasn’t working for me so they gave me a leave of absence for the Summer.  I was so bored so my Aunt Velma knowing that they needed someone to give Medication at the old Folks home in Elko, Nevada, asked if they could use me since it wouldn’t take much work.  Uncle George was a County Commissioner in Elko, so I got the job.

My Dad, when the time came to go back, urged me to stay there.  I was making $90.00 a Month and my room and board, while the Nurses were making $60.00 a month with only one meal, so I stayed.  At first glance, you might think I should have gone back to school, and I have pondered that throughout these years.  But, I think Heavenly Father must have been guiding that decision because of the way life has turned out.   If I had gone back to school, I wouldn’t have met Ray and then having my Precious Girls — so I honestly don’t have any regrets;  besides If I had gotten my Degree, I would have been a working Mother so I was very Blessed to have been able to stay home and enjoy our Precious Girls.  I wouldn’t trade that beautiful experience for anything.

My first glimpse of Ray — your Dad was on the street Corner in Elko Nevada about the year of 1939. I had been up visiting with my Mother’s Sister, Aunt Edith.  She and her husband lived in Elko and he was a Meat cutter in Sewell’s Market. We were walking down the street in Elko when we passed this Handsome young man dressed in a White Shirt, wearing a white apron and I turned to Aunt Edith and said,  “Wouldn’t it be  wonderful to Marry a young man like that?”  We laughed not knowing that Uncle Frank had become friends with Ray while he was cooking in the Blue Jay Café there in Elko.  Frank delivered the meat to the Café every day and asked Ray if he would like to learn Meat cutting.  Ray said yes!  And that’s why he was delivering meat that day.  Meat cutting was hard work.  He had to learn how to cut different kinds of steaks, different kinds of roasts and get as much meat off that he could and then grind the  rest into Hamburger.

Ray had come down from Canada with Aunt Lola so they could go to school, but it ended up Aunt Lola going to school instead of Ray.  Ray helped Aunt Lola.  It was much more fun for him to travel to find work and get paid for it.  That was what he wanted to do –Travel — and that he did.  He went all over finding work; wherever he wanted to go he found work.  At one time he worked in the Wells Café.  My Dad cut his hair and then he moved on to Elko.  It was here that he found work in the Blue Jay Café.

Ray had worked in the coal mines in Utah, cooked in different places many times ending up washing dishes.  He would do anything just so he could travel. Leaving Wells going to Elko and Cooking in the Blue Jay Café, meeting Uncle Frank and starting to learn to be a Meat Cutter was where it all began.

Somewhere before I met Ray he had signed up with the Air Force wanting to be a Pilot.  Ray had come down to the states and when his stay was up he thought this way he could get his Citizenship so he hadn’t gone back.  So it wasn’t until he came home from Serving in the Air Force for three years that he got his Citizenship. While he was gone I had talked to the Veterans Representative, he promised he would work with Ray when he got home.   Ray was going to let it go but I insisted that we go to the Veterans and have them help us get it.  Of course there wouldn’t be any problems because he had served for three years, so we went down to Carson City with Bill Story as his Witness, Ray Leaving the Blue Jay along with the President of the Veterans Association that had done all of the Paper work for Ray and he became an American Citizen.

I need to get back to Uncle Frank hiring Ray as a Butcher — And teaching him about all of the different cuts of meat.  One night I was up to Aunt Edith’s when Uncle Frank came home from Sewell’s with Ray.  He had to hang a quarter of Beef and when he did, the Meat hook went through his hand.  Can’t you just see the pain he was in while they were trying to lift a quarter of a beef (or whatever they cut a beef into) off of his hand, let alone pulling his hand up and off of that hook. When they came in Frank had wrapped a towel around his hand, brought him home to soak his hand in Epsom salt to keep it from getting any infection in it.  I was a mess; Uncle Frank said, “We even have a Nurse for you!”  Here was that Handsome young man that Edith and I had seen on the street and I had said to Aunt Edith, “Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be married to a man like that.”  It was hard to believe that he was working with Uncle Frank, but here he was waiting for me to soak his hand in Epsom salt water.  Can you even imagine the pain he was in having that salt go into that sore.  That must have been very painful, but he did it.  But that was Daddy — he could sure bear the pain.  He seldom complained.

I went with Ray on and off for a year or more, he was so kind and so sweet but he didn’t Dance very good and Dancing was my greatest enjoyment. I had danced since I was thirteen when I would go to the Dances while my Mother and her five piece Band played.  Going with Ray was a lot of fun — it was the Dancing I missed the most.  I can’t even remember what big Dance was coming up and another kid asked if I would go with him so I did, so Ray didn’t come around for a while.  Then one night he called to see if he could come up because he wanted a copy of some of the pictures we had taken and while he was there we had a good talk.  He said, “June I want to be more than just Friends” and I said, “ I do too!!!!”  I realized I had missed him terribly and decided Dancing wasn’t everything in life.

When I was in High School the College kids would come Dance with me because I could follow whatever step they did and they always taught me the new steps.  It was hard to give up Dancing but I couldn’t lose Ray — I knew I loved him. The next thing I knew Ray asked me to Marry him.  He went into Salt Lake for his Vacation and brought me home a Beautiful Engagement Ring, it was ½ Carat.   I stayed at the Old Folks home for a while and then one of the Cookie Salesman that really liked Ray said, ”Ray would you like a chance to have a Butcher shop of your very own?”  And he told him of a Mr. Burch in Imlay Nevada.  It was a store for all the Mines in the area and had everything anyone would want.  It was a whole Block; it had Gas, Lumber, Furniture, Coal, Hardware, Dishes, Clothing, Fabric, and like a Fifteen Cent Store– they really had anything you wanted there.  Ray said to me, “I’d like to go if you’ll go with me?”  So we set our Date for April l3th.  It was Easter Sunday.  Ray was only a Priest so we couldn’t be married in the Temple — so we were married in my Mother’s and Father’s home  at eight o’clock in the Morning.  Had our Wedding Breakfast over at my Grandmother’s home and after Breakfast Bishop White who performed the Ceremony, went on to Church; so  did Dad and the rest of the Family while Mom, Ray and I packed all of our Wedding and Shower gifts into Ray’s car and off we went to Imlay.

Ray had gone down to Mr. Burch’s and had worked for a Month for Mr. Burch to make sure he liked it.  After Saturday night’s work he drove to Wells, got there about Midnight, and the next morning he was a married man.  Driving to Imlay that Beautiful Easter Morning was quite an experience.  He stopped at a little place outside of Imlay and said,” Well what do you think?”  I don’t know what I thought or did, I guess I didn’t dare to respond I looked up to see him smiling so I knew he was teasing me he just drove on a little ways further and here was that block long store.  It did take in a complete block, it was so large.

Ray was going to take me back to a Motel there in Winnemucca and then drive back every night, but Mr. Burch suggested we just stay in the Railroad Beanery and that we did.  They were so excited to have newlyweds there.  This is where we spent our first few weeks until we could find a house.  This is where we spent our Honeymoon!!! In the Railroad Beanery.

Our first home was two rooms — Kitchen, Livingroom-Bedroom;  we had to go to the toilet outside.  That I hated, especially at night, but we made it until Mr. Harmon the neighbor across the street built us a cute little home.  I know he was just expecting us to stay there forever but then the Draft was on because of the War and Joe Coffman was inducted first.  When he had to leave, Mr. Burch wanted Ray and I to take over the apartment that Joe and Angie had been in; he wanted Ray there to watch the place when they had to leave.  The apartment was above the store so we could see what was going on.  We hated to give up our cute little home with a Bathroom, Ha!! But we had no choice. It was in this little home that I became Pregnant.  We were so thrilled for we had been married a whole year before  we found out that I was pregnant  This is funny,  Mr. Burch gave Ray a week vacation but I wasn’t feeling well so I went over to the Dr. in Winnemucca before going on vacation and he said,” You’re Pregnant.” Here we were on our Honeymoon a year late, and I had to be sick.  I craved Green olives and Ray ate as many as I did. I was the one that was pregnant.  Ha!! When Ray took me to San Francisco at Fisherman’s Wharf I would hold my nose and run.  Ray also took me to Los Angeles.  We did have a wonderful time in spite of me being sick.

Nine months later LaRae was born.  We were living over the store in Burch’s apartment.  The day that I had to have my Dr. appointment in Winnemucca, Ray had to go to Reno, Nevada, about 150 miles from Winnemucca, for his Physical for the Air Force.  Dr. wanted to keep me because I was so close to Delivery.  So here I was and Ray had to leave for Reno.  As he was driving back to Winnemucca he became so sleepy he stopped in Imlay to lay down for a nap, and forgot to wake up.  The baby was close to Delivery and I wanted Ray with me so I called Imlay and had our Friend climb over the fence and try to wake Ray; he got there just as the baby was delivering.  He and my Mom were watching through the Delivery room Window and as the baby came my Mom said, “Oh Ray look how cute,” and he said, “Cute???”  He wasn’t impressed.  At that time New Mothers had to stay in the Hospital for ten days.  I was only home for a few days and was lying on the bed nursing my Beautiful little baby girl when Ray came in for Lunch.  He handed me a letter from Uncle Sam.

And our whole world collapsed. Our lives were shattered.  Our Hearts and our dreams were broken.  His number had come up and he had to report into Salt Lake for his induction into the Air Force in just a few weeks.

My Mother and Father had planned on us staying at their home while Ray was gone so the time had come and we had to pack everything we had and store it while Ray was gone.  That was so hard but we had to make the most of it.  With my Mom and Dad Loving LaRae like they did, it made it much easier. But, it was still a Heart break. LaRae was only three weeks old when her Daddy left for Salt Lake. As I remember this is where he had his Boot Camp.

Six Months passed, I was writing every night telling him of every new thing she did each day — her first smile, turning over and her good days and her bad.  I tried not to let him miss a thing.  She was born with quite a lot of hair and I even told him how she was losing her hair.  How sad it was that he was missing all those cute things she was doing.

Ray had been gone for six months when he was to be stationed in Amarillo Texas for three or four months and wives were able to join them, Oh the excitement of getting ready to go.  Making sure our precious little girl had cute things to wear for her Daddy.  Can’t you just envision how Proud he was of his baby and me too — Ha.  Ray had bragged on how much hair she had and by the time we got to Amarillo she was bald.  My how his Buddies teased him.  I had sent him pictures but he hadn’t noticed.

My Mom and Dad were so very good to both of us; all winter long for the whole six months my Mother would hang her flannel diapers on the clothes line because she didn’t want me to get sick. I felt so sorry it was so cold the diapers would freeze before she even got them hung.  They really took care of me.

Well back to packing for our trip, loading our car so Mom and Dad could drive us into Salt Lake to catch the train.  When they put me on that train at midnight it was filled with servicemen.  I couldn’t believe it!  I was the only girl on the train –Talk about being nervous, I was scared.  Of course we had a Berth but that was only a piece of canvas on a rod to go in front of our bed.  Here I was with a six month old baby girl and alone with a train load of servicemen, everyone in uniform.  Needless to say I didn’t sleep a wink that night. I just pulled my Canvas curtain; that was all the protection I had. I was so grateful that I was nursing her and had her sterile water with me for her other needs.  That morning sitting in our Berth, I gave her a sponge bath and got her all dressed — she looked like a doll.  I walked out to go up to the car to get Breakfast and the soldiers were all around me wanting to hold her.  All of these beautiful young men leaving their own precious little ones, it had to be hard and then to see a baby they were all so very homesick.  Many of them just young Fathers themselves. From then on I didn’t get a chance to hold my Baby except to nurse her and change her.  They were my baby sitters for the two whole days we were on the train; All of them were so good and kind.

The trip as I remember it was the most Beautiful country I had ever seen.  The trees and the scenery were very outstanding.  It truly was a sight to be seen.  I also witnessed the most Homesick baby sitters.  My heart ached for them.  At first I was very reluctant to let my baby be passed around like she was.  It really worried me but I could tell many of them were new Fathers and they were just homesick kids; so I relaxed and let them enjoy holding our baby and making her smile.  She was a very happy Baby and smiled a lot.  She was sitting up by herself now and played so cute.

When the train arrived in Amarillo, Texas, all the young men came to tell us goodbye and how much they had enjoyed LaRae.  I can also remember that I saw tears because they were so homesick for their own families. Bless their Hearts; here they were in training so they could protect their Country and the Freedoms that we all enjoy.

When we got off the train Ray and four or five of his Buddies were there to meet us, and boy did they tease Ray because he had bragged so much about her hair, and here she was completely bald.

We were in Amarillo for about three months and Ray couldn’t find an apartment but we did find a home with a Bedroom with kitchen privileges.  They were the most Beautiful People, they grew to love LaRae and while LaRae was sleeping she taught me how to, “Tat”.  I loved it but I have almost forgotten how to do it.  I hope when I find all my packing that I will find that beautiful doily.  It’s not very big maybe twelve inches or more but the thought of learning to “Tat” was a great accomplishment.

The People that we lived with had a son but he was gone so they didn’t have a Baby Bed so we took the

Drawer out of the dresser and made her a bed, I can’t even imagine a baby sleeping in such a crowded space, but she did.  She was such a good Baby, “Bless her Heart!!”

It was so fun to be with Ray but during the daytime his Buddies followed him everywhere we went.

He sure had some nice friends.

While we were there in Amarillo I took LaRae in to have her picture taken.  It was a surprise — I didn’t tell Ray. I took her in her Precious little Blue Dress with the cutest Bonnet with a Brim, and that Brim was filled with a Beautiful Lace, she looked so precious and then I had one taken of her little bald head.  She had a precious Blue dress on to match her Blue Bonnet, but we loved the picture without her Bonnet.  With those Big Albiston eyes she was Beautiful.  The Photographer loved it so much he asked if he could enlarge it and Display it in his Studio.  I didn’t tell Ray so when he and his Buddies were walking down the street here was his Beautiful Baby Daughter smiling at him in the window.

Ray was given orders to ship out, so a week before he had to leave LaRae and I left.  Again it was a Heartbreak.  I went back to Wells and Mother took care of LaRae while I worked for the Dr. — his wife was to be gone for a while.  It was funny — you know I don’t sit down very long well.  While we were not busy I started to dust and used Windex to clean out the surgical instrument closet.  When she came home to my surprise she came up to the house and wanted me to put the instruments back where she had them; I don’t think she was grateful that they were clean.   I didn’t go back or put them back but I doubt if she did either.

Again it was up to my Precious Mother to wash all those diapers; Summer wasn’t so bad but in the winter, when she was hanging diapers, they froze before she could even get them hung.  She didn’t want me to because I was nursing.  Mom and Dad were so kind; I’m sure it was hard with all she had to do to take care of that precious baby but she loved it.  When I think of the conveniences we all have now, an Electric washer, Clothes dryer, Electric Iron.  Just look at your Television and your Computer — to me it’s amazing, we did have a Telephone Office and they had a messenger so that when people got a Telephone call they would come and get us and we had to go to the office.

My next trip to see Ray was to be in Salt Lake; he was to be stationed there for a Month or Two — can’t really remember how long we were there.  I stayed with my Mother’s and Father’s friends, a Brother and Sister Wolf.  They were also Uncle Cliff’s first wife’s parents.  Donna died, she had T.B.  Brother and Sister Wolf also loved LaRae.  Ray couldn’t get in every night so I just had to be content and we had to be satisfied.

For two years Ray kept going to School.  We were so  Blessed that he didn’t have to go Overseas, Ray’s next assignment was to be Colorado Springs Colorado.  All of the apartments had been taken so we had to stay in a Hotel for at least a month.  LaRae was about fifteen months now and was starting to talk.  We had gotten LaRae a little bank and she made a toy of it.  When we finally were able to get an apartment Ray’s friends followed him and as they sat around the living room she’d go get her bank and they would say, “What do you want?” And she’d say, “money.”   “What do you want Money for?”  And she would say “Ice keam and candy.”  Those boys sure did get a kick out of her.  They really loved her, she was just precious.

When Ray was given notice they were to leave in a week that meant that we had to go home.  Ray said, “I’m going to ride as far as Denver with you and I’ll catch the next train back.  I said, “Honey you’ll get in trouble” and he said “no, it will be O.K.”  But the minute he started to get on the train those Air Force Police were right there, they must have been watching us.  We told them he was just going to ride to Denver and catch the next train back but they wouldn’t let him go.  Each time we had to leave each other, our Hearts were torn out let alone LaRae hanging on to her Daddy crying.

When Ray left I think, if I remember right he was sent to Detroit Michigan; this too was a school and Colorado Springs was the last time we would be together.  It was in Colorado Springs that I found out after going back to Wells that I was pregnant.  My Dad – Oh, He was so up-set; Here Ray was about to go overseas and I was pregnant with another baby.  I’m not sure how long Ray was in Detroit.  Several Months, I think.  I was at my Mom and Dad’s and a man came to tell me I had a Telephone call; it was about Eleven o’clock at night.  I almost flew to the station, I said, “Honey its Eleven o’clock here why are you calling so late?”  He said, “I just can’t sleep so thought I’d call.”  As we talked I told him of all the cute things LaRae was doing.  He asked how I was feeling.  I told him I was O.K.  As we visited I said, “Honey when can you come Home?”  And he said I hope soon.  We talked about our Love for each other and then he said, “Honey I better go.  Take Care of our Babies, I Love you,” and he was gone.  It wasn’t until I hung up that Phone that I realized he was on his way overseas.  Oh!!!  The realization of that was horrifying to me.  When I didn’t hear from him for a long time I knew he had left the States. How Grateful I was to my Heavenly Father that I didn’t realize this was a Goodbye call. I wouldn’t have been able to talk; I would have just cried.

Ray told me later when they got into their plane and they circled around the City that he had had the most Empty homesick feeling — one he could never describe.  He was wondering if he would ever see this wonderful Country or his Family again.   Me?  I lost it and sobbed all the way home.

They stationed him in the Boot of Italy, he flew all their Missions from there.  In the Beautiful Journal that Thayne made for each of the five Girls you will Find all of his Missions, where they dropped the bombs, Why they all got the Silver Star.   Jason, Colleen’s son, is a fighter Pilot and he found  either four or five Certificites where  Ray had actually saved the Plane.  Ray had many harrowing experiences, the one where he got the Silver Star was when one of the propellers was hit Ray had to “Feather” that Engine, two of the gunners were hurt, their Plane caught on fire. Thanks to our Heavenly Father, they were able to put out the Fire and take care of the two that were hurt; they had an excellent Pilot. They carried out their mission dropping their Bombs where they were supposed to, and then they dropped out of formation as if they were going down.  That fooled the fighter jets so they wouldn’t come after them and they found their way into friendly Territory.  Ray didn’t get near the Credit that they should have because they had many Experiences that Jason found out about his Grandfather on the Computer and how Ray had saved the Plane just with things he had learned in going to School.

When they had flown their Fifty Missions plus two Missions that his Commanders wanted or needed to go on, they selected Ray as their Flight Engineer so he went on Fifty Two Missions and then they were sent back to the States.  They came back to the United States for a Two Week Vacation.  This was the first time he would see Sandy, the Baby that he lived for and who was supposed to be a little boy!   I think she was ten Months old before he came home. I still think it was nothing but Prayer and Fasting that brought him home.  I’m sure I told you this before but the Night they left Detroit they left with Twenty Eight Planes and when they came home they had enough men left to fly one Plane  —  that means that 280 men went over and they had all been captured or killed but l0.  How Blessed we were that Heavenly spared Ray’s Life, to us that was a Miracle.


Three years before our Daddy died we took him to Dr. Heart.  His throat had two big canker sores.  We tried not eating Citrus fruits or anything that was acid, but it would not clear it up.   Dr  Hart sent us to an ear, nose and throat Specialists, we thought sure  they would find some way to help him, but nothing that was done helped him, it was so sad.  I tried to cook for him, but he couldn’t swallow, he was so very miserable.

We kept going to Doctors; finally we went to Reno to a Dr. in Health.  He worked with Ray for quite a while.  Mary and Larry Starr asked us to go to their Dr. in Reno.

***He had operated on Vicki when she had ruptured an Appendix at Ricks College.  Thankfully she was put in the hospital for Kidney infection two different times.  He gave her  a strong Antibiotic, which probably saved her Life.  Becky was coming down from Rexburg Idaho to Crown the Homecoming Queen, so we had gotten them both plane tickets to Reno, but when Dr. had dismissed Vicki (so he could go Deer Hunting) Becky brought her home with her.  As she got off of the Plane I said to Ray, “Honey we’ve got to take her to Emergency.  This is serious.”

As we loved her we told her what we wanted to do and big tears came to her eyes and she said, “But Mom I just got out of the Hospital this Morning”.  So we went up to Colleen’s and Dean’s in Lake Tahoe; they had bought a beautiful home there.  Don and Sandy and their family were there so she could receive a Priesthood Blessing, then we took her home.  After two days her fever started back up, so we took her to the Doctors there in Lovelock.  They gave her every test most of the night and when I went back to the Hospital they had her ready to go in the Ambulance to Reno.  Their tests showed, “Ruptured Appendix”.  Just how long had she had this?  Mary and Larry’s Dr. was called — they did enough tests to confirm their diagnosis.  They operated on her and were much longer than they had estimated.  When Dr. came out he said, “Vicki has had a ruptured appendix at least ten days.”  A cyst had formed around her appendix and was the size of Dr’s two hands.  He said, “We have cleaned her up as much as we could, infection had gone through her abdomen.  The rest is up to the Lord.”

Girls were called — Fasting with the tinniest children fasting for Aunt Vicki.  Names were called into the Temples, Prayers were uttered.  Becky without Vicki, Vicki without Becky.  It couldn’t be real.  Vicki was in the Hospital for l9 days.  Finally Dr said, “Maybe she will be better with her own family.  Maybe she will heal better.”  So we bought her home to Lovelock.  We didn’t want her to go back to school yet, we didn’t feel she was strong enough.

Vicki and Becky both transferred to B.Y.U.  that didn’t seem to work well, so Becky went to the L.D.S Business college while Vicki went to a Medical Technician school.  They both graduated, Vicki worked for Dr. Astle and Becky worked for Zions bank.   ***

Now let’s get back to our Daddy, Dr……examined Ray and because he thought it was Cancer he wanted to take a gland out to see if the glands were infected.  Dr. took a gland out under his arm pit.  His results were positive so we went back to The University Hospital in Salt Lake City.  He went through all sorts of tests.  Finally a Dr. operated and took out his Spleen hoping to catch the Cancer.  He seemed better for a while then Vicki wanted us to go to Stanford University Hospital so we stayed several months while a Dr. and his assistant worked with Ray.  We didn’t want Ray to have chemo and this Dr. worked on Cancer patients without chemo.  In the meantime Ray was losing so much weight.  It was just pitiful.

Dr Abrass was a specialist in Reno, a Cancer Specialist so we worked with him for a long time.  Dr.Abrass started giving Ray Blood Transfusions.  We would go to Reno every two weeks for two units of blood.  Ray would drive wherever we went.

In July, LaRae’s son Wesley was getting married and I talked Daddy into getting a blood transfusion and going into Utah for his reception.  I didn’t tell daddy but I wanted the family to see him before he left us.  He drove all the way; then I took over outside of Toole.

We went to Wesley’s and Mandy’s Reception.  It was very beautiful.  Hhe got to see all of his family and loved every minute of it.  He really enjoyed himself.

Then it was getting time for us to go back home so we called the Dr. at the University Hospital so he could examine Ray and give his blood Transfusions; this was on a Tuesday.  We were going home on Thursday.  After checking Ray’s blood Dr. asked us to stay and gave us an appointment the next Tuesday.  Ray was anxious to get home so it was pretty hard to relax and wait for the appointment.  Besides he couldn’t understand why the Dr. asked him to stay.

Tuesday Morning LaRae, Sandy, Ray and I went to the Dr.’s.  Becky was going to meet us there, but Dr. took us right in.  He Talked to Ray for a while and then said, “Ray, this is so hard to tell you that you have weeks instead of Months.”

Ray said, “Dr. is it too late to have chemo?”  and Dr. said, “Ray it would just make you sick.”  Ray said, “If I’d have had it instead of going to Stanford would it have made any difference and Dr. said, “Ray,  I’m so very sorry, but No!!”

Dr. talked to us for a little while; this saddened him — you could tell his Heart was aching for each of us, but this was real, this wasn’t a dream.

Becky was late, and got there just as we were leaving.  Her Heart ached as we told her of our Dr.’s visit.  My, this is hard — hard enough; but to tell our Precious family of the Dr.’s advice to us was devastating.

How could we possibly send Becky home alone?  I can’t remember if she came with us or if she just wanted to go home.

Ray was pretty good for a couple of weeks and then it started getting harder and harder. Our Dr …… in Salt Lake started working with Sandra’s Dr. and they put Ray in the Hospital and gave him blood transfusions for twenty four Hours.  They said it would keep Ray from having a Heart attack, which made us so grateful.  When Sandra saw that it was so hard for me to take him to the bathroom alone — I just kept almost losing him and I tried so hard to keep him from falling — she talked to Don and he said let’s try him in the water bed.

They were going down to Seminary Meetings for two days, but couldn’t settle down so they came home.  They wouldn’t let us go back down stairs so they made a bed in the Computer room for themselves.  I’m sure they couldn’t sleep but they were close so if I needed help.  I sure did appreciate them.

One of the last times I was taking him to the bathroom alone, he took hold of the door frame and then grabbed a hold of the sink to steady himself, raised his head and looked in the mirror, then dropped his head.  My Heart ached for him — Bless his Heart.  I’m sure he couldn’t believe what he looked like.  From then on we got a Porta Potty.

Several of his grandsons would come and sleep there at night just so they could help me.  I wish I could remember all those beautiful young men that came; I do know Jason came because he came from out of town, and I’m sure Sandy and LaRae’s sons came to help me too.

The weekend that Daddy seemed to be getting weaker, LaRae came up, Vicki came and Becky and Colleen were here all lying on his bed at times stroking his hands, arms and feet. This was on Saturday August 31st.  It was about noon or one o’clock as I remember Ray was just looking at everyone and not talking, everyone was visiting and in the evening most of his grandchildren were kneeling around the foot of his bed singing , “I am a child of God,” and other Primary songs.  They were singing so quietly, they honestly sounded like Angels.

As families started taking their children Home, Linda, Thayne’s wife took care of the Little ones.  My, she is Special.  That allowed Becky to be with her Daddy. Bless her Heart.  Most of the grownups came back and then an Awesome thing happened.  I’m not sure when it started but I need to tell you about it.

Sandy’s and Don’s bedroom has a very large window looking out towards the East.  They have two big Pear trees just outside the window.  The right side of their bed is under the window, the head to the south.   All at once the wind started blowing the Pear trees, the Venetian blinds really shook and everyone looked up as I said, “There must be a storm coming in”, and then everything quieted down.  Don suggested we release Daddy and so he gave a Beautiful prayer that our Daddy would not have to suffer.

I cannot believe the “Peace” that everyone and our Daddy seemed to have.  Ray passed away peacefully without any struggles as all of his family stood by his bedside.  It truly was the most peaceful passing I have ever witnessed.  As Ray passed away the wind came up again, the Venetian blinds shook, the leaves in the Pear trees were really blowing just like a whirl wind was stationary for a little while and then all at once everything went calm again.  We couldn’t quite understand and then Don or someone said, maybe the Spirits came to get Daddy, that would be logical.  I can still hear the rustling of those trees and the Venetian blinds and then instantly everything was quiet, and peaceful.  This happened just before he passed away and then after he had passed away the trees blowing so hard those trees blew so hard against the window and then those Venetion  blinds blowing very  hard and then it quieted down again. It really was amazing.  At the Viewing we told this story and there was no doubt “Most of those holding the Priesthood made the same comment that they believed that It was the spirits coming to be with Daddy, and take him home.

Our Daddy passed away August 31, l996 at l1:50 P.M.  Everyone left except his girls.  I cleaned Daddy up and got him presentable for the mortuary to come and get him.  We all sat around Daddy and just visited and cried and missed him so much.  On the other hand we felt deep Gratitude that Daddy was at peace and he didn’t have to suffer anymore.  He really has had to go through so much, Bless his Heart, a Man who wouldn’t stay home and miss work — A Man who worked from four or five o’clock in the morning until ten or eleven o’clock at night when he had the Big Meadow Market.  A Man who kept the Big Meadow Market clean, who did all of the book work, who did every delivery in the afternoon, who put every can on the shelf, who answered every telephone call when I wasn’t working, who worked a lot of Sundays and put the “Bread rack” out for the Bread Man.  There is no way that I can tell you of his devotion to work hard for his Precious Family so they could have all of their needs met.  He was an “Excellent Provider, A wonderful Father and a good Husband.  *****2

We sat and visited for at least two hours.  It was a really long time and then we called the Funeral Home.  The men that came to get him talked with us for quite some time.  We said we wish you had known him and they said,” We do!  Just by talking to each of you, We do!!!” They had Ray for several days; when we went back to get him he looked so nice.

They were able to get Ray in Becky’s new Van so we drove him home ourselves.  Colleen, Sandra, LaRae and Vicki came in Sandra’s car.  Lorene had brought Bread, Sandwich meats and etc.  Mary and Larry brought a Ham over.  Lunch was brought over and Dinner that night.  We were all so tired that we went to bed.  Could we sleep?  I can’t remember if we did — it was restless.    Then each Day Lunch and Dinner were brought in.  The Relief Society and the Sisters surely took care of us and I hope they know how much the Food and all of their Love and kindness meant to us.

Morning came and everyone was buzzing around.  We got Motel Rooms for families coming in.  Food was being served as they arrived.  Ray’s sister Gladys and her husband arrived from Oregon.  As people arrived we went over to the Funeral Home to see our Daddy and to just visit there with Family.  Then we sent everyone to bed so we could get up early the next morning.

We were over to the Church before ten.  Greeting Families as they came in and introducing them to Aunt Velma, Aunt Edith and Aunt Leah.  It had been so long since they had seen them and then too they had all grown up so much.

Carlene came in and brought beautiful Corsages for the Girls and a Beautiful Orchid for me I couldn’t believe it.

I had ordered a Beautiful arrangement for Daddy’s Casket but Carlene had also brought the most Beautiful Heart arrangement.  It was so Beautiful — l2 dozen Beautiful Carnations in a Heart with Mauve flowers in the Center.  It was Gorgeous!!  Ray also had many Beautiful arrangements of flowers.  He was much loved.

The Beautiful Flag draping the Casket and along with the Beautiful spray — it was so impressive.

Richard Wagner had asked me to bring Ray’s Honors — the Silver Star that was given when their Airplane was hit and caught on fire. One Engine was disabled and Ray and another had to fix it in a split second; this was one of the things he learned in his schooling and it saved their lives.  Two of their Gunners were also injured. Since he had gone on fifty plus two Missions, he had also received awards and stripes for these along with several Good Conduct Metals.

The People kept coming as we had an open Casket.  His girls and I stood by him to greet everyone.  Oh how proud we are of those Girls and their Families, Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren.

The Program was arranged so very Beautifully.  Thayne and his Artistic ability made those Beautiful Programs with Ray’s Picture, his Grandsons as Pall Bearers and younger Grandsons as his Honor Bearers.

The Program was with Jack giving his life, Richard Wagner and our Judge, District Attorney and Bishop gave a Beautiful talk on what Ray wanted his Precious Family to become, and about the Church.  Ray was his first Counselor for seven and one/half years.  He also Counseled our Family as if Ray were speaking through him.  He knew the Desires of Ray’s Heart.  Don also was inspired as he talked on things he knew Ray would want his Family to hear.  I was so very impressed as Don told of having Daddy in their home for his last seven weeks and how he felt their Home was “Hallowed Ground.”

A young man who worked for Ray called and asked if he could speak, and he told about Ray and his Honesty, and sense of Humor and Patience that taught him many things.  Ray had gone to lunch and he and the other young men were having a water fight, they all thought they would be fired but Ray just said, “I guess you better clean things up a little bit.”

He said, “ Ray is why I am where I am today.”   He is the Head of the Highway Patrol in Carson City, the Capitol of Nevada.  He really paid Tribute to our Daddy.

The Singing was also beautiful, “How great Thou Art” still bring tears to my eyes.  On the back of the Program were the words of the Beautiful song, “I thought that he walked on Water.”  The Girls had made up the words. I think I will share those words with you. They are Precious.  Adapted from Randy Travis,” He walked on water.”

He wore Texaco Shirts most all of his Life,

He worked hard for his Children, worked hard for his wife.

He swore now and then, but what the heck.

I thought that we walked on water.


He said, ”Via-Via”; he meant, “Come to me.”

I would sit on his lap, he would bounce me on his knee.

And my Momma’s daddy was a Hero to me.

And I thought that he walked on water.


He drove a ’51 Chevy pick up truck.

His station was called a Candy Shop.

If your Bike needed fix’n twas the place to stop.

And they thought that he walked on water.


He was still so strong at eighty-three

I loved him and he loved me.

How I cried the night he died

“Cause I thought that he walked on water.


How True those words are, and to think our girls made those words up they truly are just Beautiful.  They were truly inspired.

As our Grandchildren sang that Beautiful song tears were overflowing.  But it was so impressive and since the words were on the back of his Program, People could follow the words.  Many tears in the Chapel were also shed.

Many People commented that his Service was the Most Beautiful Funeral they has ever attended.  They felt so much Peace.  We were certainly proud of the Program.

Dinner was served by the Relief Society.  We appreciated that so much because we had to pack, so we could leave for Becky and David’s in Heber City for the Graveside services the next day.

The Graveside Services were so Special, Calm and so Peaceful; Becky and David had asked someone to play the “Taps” which made the Services Extra Special, after which Don made some remarks about Ray.  He told about Joshua saying, “I don’t know where Grandpa is going, but wherever it is I want to go there too.  Joshua loved his Grandpa.

Bishop Gardner was the one who officiated at the Service.

We brought all the Beautiful flowers made by Carlene Wagner that we could, they were beautiful.  People started to leave and then we went to the Church for the Brunch.   Becky’s ward served the Brunch, for which we were all so grateful.

I couldn’t believe the Friends that came, Friends of Becky and LaRae’s and Sandra’s close friends were there.

They served a lot of people, many more came than we expected and they ran out of food, it was O.K. though we so appreciated them.

I need to tell you about Daddy.  He told me he was going to be buried in the Fernley Veterans Graveyard there in Fernley and then Colleen took him up to Charlston, a little city outside of Heber City and told them that when I left they wouldn’t be going out to Nevada anymore and asked him to consider this little town in the same Valley as Heber City.  He consented and we bought the plot.


Starting out with his store, The Big Meadow Market — For ten years of his life he was doing all the work, getting up at four o’clock to clean and be ready for the Produce.  When he wanted out, he got half of the money that they had.  Ten Years and very little money in the Bank — most of the Money was on the Shelves.  But, he wanted out so bad that he gave up ten years of his life — A life to which he had dedicated at least fourteen hours a day.  My Heart ached for him.  Ray was the backbone of our Big Meadow Market.  He was the one that made that Market a Success.  But he couldn’t do it any longer.  Frank’s two grown Children and their families were coming in and charging their groceries like Frank and Ray did but they were not paying for their groceries and Ray was tired of carrying three Families against our one family.

After that, he had worked so many hours at the Service Station.  Then he would come home, cut those big lawns, pull weeds, and help me in the Flower Gardens.  Ray decided that after he Retired, he was going to move to the top of the Mountain and build a little home there so he wouldn’t have to cut lawns and help in the flowers and a Yard.  He was going to build a little Home for me farther down the Mountain so I could have my Grass and flowers. My question is:  How long would he stay there.  I bet he would be down at my Table to eat my food and Maybe even stay overnight once in a while.  What do you think?  I bet I would win.  Want to Bet?

I keep taking detours, as I write things keep popping into my head and I’m afraid if I don’t write them down I’ll lose them.  I only hope when we put all of these thoughts together they will make sense.

I stayed with Becky for a few days, enjoyed going out to Daddy’s to be with him.  That Baby, “ Zack” is so Precious, he has brought a lot of Love and Happiness into their lives.    He is such a Blessing.  They love their baby Brother and their Pampa too.

Vicki got her new Car.  We left Becky’s the 26th of September, picked up Sandy and started home.  I rode part way with Sandra and part way with Vicki.  How Grateful I am for my Girls.  How Blessed I am to have such a wonderful Family and friends.

October 6 —   After going to a very Beautiful very rewarding Conference, Don, Sandra and I came home to get dinner going —  Ham, Mashed potatoes, veg. and salad.  We were hungry and it tasted so good.

I cleaned up while Sandra and Don finished packing.  LaRae had called and asked Don to give me a Blessing before they left.  Rich and Carlene Wagner came in and Don asked Richard if he would give me a Blessing.  Judge Wagner gave me the most Beautiful Blessing —  it was very,  very special;   he said, “Our Heavenly Father has given Ray an assignment to Watch over You and you need not fear. Ray has also been given the assignment of being a Missionary.  This assignment has given your Husband Confidence that he had never had before.  He is opening up and not afraid to teach.  He will be a wonderful missionary.”    This Blessing was such a Comfort!!!  I was feeling very apprehensive about being alone and after they both left I walked into my home and felt a Peace and Comfort that I didn’t expect.  It was wonderful.  I have slept well and have not been afraid.

When I first came home I thought I could rent the back room to a Teacher with kitchen Privileges so I wouldn’t be alone.  But that Beautiful Blessing left me with a Peace and a comfort and I knew I would be O.K.   I walked into the back bedroom where Daddy had spent so much time typing and lying down, and I knew I didn’t want to share that bedroom; I wanted to be able to go in there whenever I wanted to.

After Sandy and Don left, I didn’t want to go in, so I changed and then went out and pulled weeds from the flower garden.  When it started to get dark I came in and washed dishes.  The telephone rang and it was LaRae and she said, “what are you doing?”   “LaRae, I’m O.K. why are you calling me?”  And she said, “I just wanted to say Goodnight.”  Bless her Heart!!!  She said, “What are you doing?”  And I said, “singing,” and she said, “Singing?”  So I put the phone up to my Dad’s Tapes so she could listen and before I knew it I was harmonizing along with him.  That was always our life, you know.  Anytime there was Music on we would be Harmonizing along with them.  That’s why I knew so many songs and if there was a New Song I learned it immediately.

My Sister played for dances also, and she used to say, “sing that song for me,” and that was all she needed –for me to sing and she would play it.  She had a marvelous talent.  She was  not only good but she was Excellent!!!  After singing through it two or three times she had it and could play it for the dances. Talk about that JoAnn on the Lawrence Welk Show.  I bet Melba could do as Well.  You’re laughing — but My Dad could have been a Beryl Ives and Melba could have been a Jo Ann.

Melba wanted to play for more dances and she saw an advertisement in the Ely Paper to play at one of the Night Clubs.  She went down and tried out for the Pianist and got it.  Mom and Dad were afraid, because they thought she would be in that atmosphere and at first when Patrons would want to buy her a Drink she would have the soft drink but being around it all the time she began to give in and this is where her life began to change.

Back to my singing, Ha!    After talking to LaRae I just worked around cleaning up a little bit.  I didn’t go to bed until ll:30, but I read the  Ensign until I got sleepy.  I slept well until someone sat on my feet.  Guess I was dreaming unless it was my Daddy?  It is so lonesome without him, and my Sandy — I miss her too, she was such a Comfort; besides she worked for so long and accomplished  ten times more than I do when I am alone.  (I keep getting sidetracked just like I do in my Journal.)  Sandy truly is amazing.  She has worked so hard. I hope and Pray with all my heart that Life will Grant all of my Girls the Rich Blessings that they so rightly deserve.


July l8 –l997

I can hardly believe where I am, I’m on a church History Trip with Sandra and Don.

Bless their Hearts I can hardly believe it.

Before I left home Richard Wagner was able to get $l0,000 for me as the rest of the down payment for Ray’s station.  He had gotten $5,000 for me when the deal was made.  What a Blessing.  He has been so good to me.  He did help in selling the station to the Sturgeons on an 8 year contract.    After paying for some car repairs, I paid for my trip.

We flew back to New York; a large tour Bus picked us up.  We visited Niagara Falls and then started on a Church History tour.  It was all so amazing; my, what Beautiful Country.  Don was taking such amazing notes that Sandra said, “Mom, we can copy Don’s notes,” so I’ll get those notes and tell you all about that amazing trip.  Ray has been gone 15 years and I still haven’t gotten those notes but a few of the highlights I’ll try to remember.

I remember Colleen’s appendix ruptured the night before we were to leave, I couldn’t leave her — my gosh!  That would be terrible!  I had packed and was at Sandy’s ready to go, and I’ll never forget what Thayne told me.  HH H   kke said, “Nana if you miss this Trip You’ll never have another chance and Colleen would feel guilty for the rest of her life,”

La Rae said, “Mom, I’ll go down as soon as soon as she gets out of the Hospital; I’ll take care of her.”  Everyone insisted.  Even Sandy said, “Mom we are only a day away — we can catch the Airplane and come right back.”  Oh I was so disappointed — I really wanted to go but—–I didn’t;  I couldn’t leave her.  I didn’t sleep much that night so the next morning we called her and she insisted.  Crying she said, “Mom, please, please don’t miss this trip.”  So Praying so fervently, we called each night and she said, “I’m O.K.” Bless her Heart she sounded so tired; so keeping a Prayer in our Heart we tried to enjoy everything.

Can you believe how I got my luggage for this trip?  On my 80th Birthday they had a big picnic at Sandy’s and Don’s.  Everyone gave me a dollar.  When I needed luggage, I used that money.  I also bought a new dress and some slacks.

***It’s been a tradition for Daddy to give all of our Grandkids $5.00 for their Birthday.  I’m sure we used to give gifts, but I was always taking things back to get other sizes and when they were on sale, I was losing money; so, with so many grandkids, he decided when he retired he would make it just a dollar.  So that’s what we gave for years.  When our Daddy left I started giving two dollars.  Goodness gracious I have to pay at least three dollars for just a card. So I gave them an increase. Ha!!

LaRae will take Sandy, Don and I to the airport in the morning.  We leave at nine A.M. can you believe me sitting still long enough to get me to New York?  Boy this packing  is hard. We had to pack everything we needed into two carry-ons.  I packed and repacked four different times.  I had to leave two pant suits behind.  I thought I really needed them, so am I ready?  Well let’s go.


Day l  Friday July l8:

Today we leave Salt Lake City at nine A.M., beginning a Great Church History tour.  The flight takes us to Buffalo Airport, Buffalo New York.  Our Motor Coach and driver will meet us at the Buffalo Airport and we will enjoy sights as we travel to the Finger Lake region of New York for our Hotel.  Hotel Econo Lodge, Muar Lakes Canandaigua New York; Dinner will be at Schooners Restaurant.

Pulling  ourselves out of bed at five thirty wasn’t easy.  Because of Colleen’s surgery the night before,  I needed to talk to her but here it was 5:30 and I couldn’t take a chance of waking her, so I got ready to go; but when we got to the airport, we made another call. Colleen was still begging me to go.  One of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make.  When my girls need me they are the most important blessing I have — they come first.

The Tour Bus took us to Niagara Falls before we started on our tour, it was night and they wanted us to see Niagara Falls in the dark with their lights on.  It was amazing; all of those colored lights flashing on those waterfalls.  It was a scene I’ll never forget.

Afterwards¸ they took us to our Motel.   We were all so tired.  We had to rise early and have Breakfast and get on our way.


July l9th:

The next morning before starting on our tour the Bus again took us to Niagara Falls.  This time we all put on the raincoats with head coverings and bought tickets to ride the big Boat which took us underneath the Falls; of course we all got wet, but we were on the second story of the boat so our feet didn’t get as wet as those on the first floor.  My, what a wonderful experience.

This was a Church History Trip, so we visited every spot and then Brother and Sister Holley, I believe, told us of its History.  They were our Church History guides.

I’m not sure this is in order but I think it was Joseph Smith home and the Sacred Grove that is walking distance away.  Joseph Smith’s home  has been restored —  we went upstairs and sang “I am a Child of God.”  It was so spiritual; I’ll never forget that feeling.  I remember the tears in everyone’s eyes.

This was an unbelievable experience as we walked the trail to the Sacred Grove.  Of course everyone was hovering here and there, I slipped away and went into the Sacred Grove where I could be alone and have Prayer.  I never will forget that experience, the thoughts of having Prayer in the same Sacred Grove as Joseph Smith.  The same grove that Our Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith when he felt the power of Satan trying to overcome him. It truly seems unbelievable that I was there.

People were coming from everywhere to see the Pageant so our Leaders promised us that they would bring us back when there wouldn’t be so many thousands of people; so with this Promise we went on to the Hill Cumorah Pageant.

The bus did drive up the hill, but Don and Sandy and I climbed the Hill Cumorah, zig zag fashion, instead of going straight up;  it was easier — reaching the top.  Our Guides talked to us and explained the experiences that happened here.  Sandy, Don and I walked back down to meet the bus at the bottom of the Hill.

We saw two of the most amazing Shows after dark.  The lighting was amazing and several thousand Families go each year and play certain characters.  It seems like the first show was in Farr West and then Nauvoo.  I think the shows go on all summer long; they truly are unbelievably Beautiful. After the show they can go down amongst the audience.  Never in this world have I ever dreamed of going on a trip like that.  We got to see two pageants.  They were awesome!  You couldn’t believe anyone could put on productions like that.

This is the 60th year of the world’s great outdoor Religious Theatrical Productions, a cast of 700, with hundreds more working to put this pageant on.  It was Spectacular — the lighting, the Cast — everything about it was just beautiful.  I guess I can’t find words to describe it.

We also saw the Nauvoo Pageant, it too was Fantastic.  My, it makes you proud to belong to this Glorious Gospel, and know without a shadow of a doubt that it is true.

We heard a lot of the early church member’s experiences; it truly was a Fantastic Trip.  We visited Nauvoo, and enjoyed so much the experiences there.  Looked up on the Map where our Family and Don’s Family were, we found their acreage.





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